Sunday, November 1, 2009

Notes on Peach Pit's Zombie-Loan

Peach Pit’s Zombie Loan

A very recognizable style, Characters look like older versions of other Peach Pit chara’s. Ver narrow faces for adult males and teenagers, girls have rounder faces and big ‘innocent’ loli eyes.

ß beautiful use of the lack of sound in comics. Assumed the one talking is a big beefy male mob boss, while it’s a cute little androgynous thing. Good justaposition.

Main character is slightly human, freaks out when she realizes she’s going to die. And doesn;’t leave her room until the Guys retrieve her and the lesson learned is life’s too short to do stuff you don’t want to do.


Main character is almost easy to relate to. She goes through life with no real purpose. But her past and shinigami eyes which are what sets her apart from everyone else.

Biblical references. YHWH, 72,

It seems to stress the message live life to the fullest or it’s the same as being the walking dead. And implies that majority of the population are zombies and don’t even realize it.

It also treats immortality like a curse. The immortal’s body may stray young and full of life forever, yet there emotions, feelings and senses dullen and face something described as “rigor mortis” for the ‘insides’

It heavily attempts to analyze Death and what defines being dead.

Rule: If the characters go to a hot springs, there will be awkward naked chicks and some one will most likely get felt up. And there will be a scene with the guys playing ping pong.


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