Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eco Sarasota 6

Out on the balcony of my apartment there has been a cluster of newsprint, tape, hodgepodge, and matte medium that has sat there, unmoved, for at least a semester. My dear roommate who left it there says she still needs it for some project, and refuses to clean it up. So needless to say, I've swept around her pile of mess, hoping she'd get the idea to clean her shit up.
But in the mean time, it has become a home for various creatures. As I've sat out on the balcony, i've seen all kinds of insects climbing in and out if it, and the lizards seem to have taken a liking to it as well. There is one lizard in particular that has claim this ball of mess as his home. He does his little push ups and chases away any lizard that tries to invade his home. He has also taken to flashing his neck plappy thingy, his dwelap, at me. It really is quite amusing.

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